Monday, October 29, 2012

For the Record

For the Record......

Being female and lifting weights doesn't make you butch or masculine.  It makes you strong.

Lifting doesn't make women bulky.  Females just don't have the right hormone levels to get huge bulk.  I'd rather be considered "bigger" because I lift weights and have muscle than bigger cause I have jiggly bits.

"I want Paris Hilton's ass," said no one EVER. 

When asked by some female athletes how they get long & lean like me, my answer was and will always be, "Pick up heavy shit."

Spot reduction is a myth.  Just because you spent 20 minutes on the inner/outer thigh machine doesn't mean your thighs will no longer touch.  It just means you're gonna walk like you rode horse to the gym.

Muscles burn calories.  Lifting weight makes muscles work harder.  You figure out the rest.....

You can't grow a muffin top without eating a few muffins.  And donuts and candy bars and drinking extra large caramel macchiatos....

I have never heard an athlete say, "Gee, I wish I hadn't gotten stronger."

CrossFit didn't invent the exercises it uses nor did it invent the concept of high intensity circuits.  It just marketed them better.

You shouldn't model your training after YouTube videos and expect to PR every training session.  Just remember nobody posts their shitty days on YouTube, not even Shankle. 

No listening to R&B in the weight room.  You might as well put on the Best of Elevator Music if you're going to do that.  If you wanna lift big kid weights, you need to put on big kid music. 

Got your own "For the Record" thoughts?  Post 'em to comments or send me a message!

*Update!  New "For the Record" thoughts!

Running does NOT take the place of squatting.  -Gina

Going past parallel when you squat will NOT "blow out" your knees, what does that even mean anyway?! -Gina

Please don't compare leg pressing to squatting, not even kind of the same thing.  -Gina

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