Friday, July 6, 2012

Random Thoughts on a Friday

-The phrase "low rise" does not enter my fashion vocabulary.  Low rise = plumber's crack.  On a recent shopping trip I actually told my friend I'd almost prefer some Mom Jeans with a 9-inch comfort zipper.  She didn't think that was an advisable fashion choice.

-I love lifting heavy things.  That does not translate to mean I would love to lift your couch when you move.  However, since I'm a good person I will do it anyway.....if you feed me.

-I drive a big pick-up truck and love it.  That also does not translate to mean I would love helping you move.  However, I will help you move....if you feed me.  Or maybe buy me some gas at the lovely price of one internal organ per gallon of gas.

-I hate shopping for shorts.  There are only two options: Softball Coach or Denim Thong. 

-I've given up correcting people that call me a powerlifter or a bodybuilder. There's only so many times I can pantomime what I actually do.

-I coach in grunts.  It conveys a clearer message.

-Telling me you don't "work the legs" because you run is like saying you'll get rid of your flabby arms by waving in a parade.  

-People will do anything for a "free" t-shirt.  Even if they already own 14,392 other "free" t-shirts.  

-If the weight you're lifting is pink, it probably weighs less than that Sherpa-pack of a purse you lug around all day.  Try again. 

-Dressed up for me equates to any opportunity I get to wear jeans.  Or at least my "nice pair" of yoga capris. 

-I want to test drive most of the products on this website: As Seen On TV

Monday, July 2, 2012

Beastess: Angiesaurus Rex

The earth trembles and shakes when I walk. Competitors flee before my awesome stature.  I am Angiesaurus Rex!

This is what happens when I walk on the platform:

And this is what I do to the weights and my competitors:

I thrive on PRs!  I have been feeding my hunger with little morsels of big deadlifts and big squats.  Occasionally sampling a tidbit of sweet delicious near max competition lifts.  But Angiesaurus Rex is getting HUNGRY!  It's time to eat some BIG PRs on those competition lifts!!  And the Beastess will ROAR!!

But a word to the warning....never poke an Angiesaurus Rex before her morning coffee otherwise you'll find.....