Sunday, September 16, 2012

You win some, you lose some

We've all heard the saying, "You win some, you lose some."  Last weekend I traveled to St. Joseph, MO for the Rodger DeGarmo Memorial weightlifting meet.  After spending 5 weeks straight of working 7 days a week my training had been taking a hit.  I wasn't able to train as well as I had hoped.  I was completely burnt out from all the stress and was brutally reminded that stress, whether mental or physical, is still stress.  I had a quick 2 week cycle where I had to get mentally ready to compete and just hope my physical readiness was there.  A week out I hit my snatch opener and about 3k less than my clean & jerk opener.  Going into the meet I was nervous about being able to hit my lifts but still thought I could at least pull out some decent lifts.

The day of the meet I went in about the normal level of nervous but still confident that I could do it.  Here's the video of how it actually went.....
I opened with 74k (not in the video) and then jumped 77k.  The 77k ties my all time personal record and is an official meet personal record.  After the 77k I jumped to 80k, a number I've been pushing towards for months now.  Juuuuust barely missed it.  Bring on the clean & jerks.....hit 90k fairly solid in the warm-up room and wanted to open with 93k, something I've done many times before.  As you can see by the video, I'm really quite great at cleaning 93k AND I did it back-to-back-to-back since I had to follow myself for all three attempts.  However, I obviously could not jerk 93k to save my life.  There are many reasons I could give for why I couldn't jerk that weight but in the end the meet accurately reflected how my training has gone.  It's definitely one of those "you lose some" situations.

Now on the flip side of that coin a lifter/teammate that I've been coaching was also competing in this meet.  For him it was without a doubt  "you win some" kinda day.  After a long time of coaxing him to move from 77k weight class up to the 85k weight class, he finally did it and boy did it pay off HUGE.  He gained 6-7k of bodyweight which earned him a 23k improvement on his best total ever.  For those of you metrically challenged he gained around 14lbs which added 50lbs to his best total ever.  Not only that but it also qualified him for the next two national level events.  Like I said, "you win some" kinda day.  And if you're wondering how excited he was about his new bodyweight and level of strength, check out the video....

So yeah it was a win some (my lifter lifting huge), lose some (me completely bombing out of the meet) kinda weekend.

The silver lining for me was really outside of weightlifting. I got to spend an awesome weekend with a great friend and great people enjoying Kansas City, MO.  As far as my lifting win some, you lose some, and its time to go back to the drawing board.