Friday, November 2, 2012

Wish in one hand....

There is a defining line between those who wish and those who do.  As the saying goes, “Wish in one hand and crap in the other.  See which fills up faster.”  People wish they had a better job or wish they could travel to exotic places.  People wish they had more time to work out.  Perhaps some of those are empty wishes, something to pass the time and make life seem a bit less dull.

Yes, I’ve been a wisher in my life, we all have.  I’ve wished I could be a better photographer or wished I could learn to dance.  What it boils down to is those things that are truly important to you, you will find a way to make them happen.  If I really wanted to be a better photographer, I’d study it.  If I wanted to be a ballroom dancer, I’d take a class.  If I really wanted it, I’d find a way to make it happen.  These guys found a way to make it happen:  All Things Gym - Makeshift Platform

When it comes to lifting weights and getting my training in, I’ve definitely found a way to make it happen.  I’ve gone so far to make it happen that my entire life revolves around lifting and training.  My full time job allows me to pass along my passion for lifting through athletes in the weight room.  Working in a weight room also obviously allows me to fit my training in during the day.  My two side jobs also allow me to pass along my passion as well as alternative places to train should I find the need to train elsewhere.

In order to make big lifts happen there are many things I’ll pass up doing so I can have a good training session instead.  I’ll opt for a night of foam rolling, stretching and ice bath instead of a night of shenanigans and debauchery.  It’s not that I’ll never go out and do those things.  It’s just that some days I want to shift into beastess-mode and I generally prefer to do that with a head that’s not in hangover-mode.  I will do the things I need to do and adjust my life accordingly to make it happen.

Obviously I've occasionally taken lifting to an obsessive compulsive level.  I've gotten so wrapped up in weightlifting that I often times forget to do other things, fun things, things that don't involve picking up something heavy and putting it back down.  We all have to let loose once in awhile but for me this is a passion.  People have said that if you're passionate about your job, you'll never work a day in your life.  I disagree.  I've worked my ass off to get here, to get the job that I love going to and that I'm passionate about.  I'm not just sitting in some cubicle wishing I could have an awesome job.  

I have found that “wishers” don’t often understand “do-ers.”  They don’t understand the desire to take things to the next level and the commitment it requires.  To me, wishing you could do things in life instead of going out and actually attempting to do them is to resign yourself to mundane mediocrity.  Sure I might wish to immediately improve one aspect of a particular lift but what I do is set myself up to improve it over the long term.

Are you doing what it takes to make it to the next level?  Or are you just wishing in one hand…..

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