Friday, November 16, 2012

A little friendly inspiration

I have to admit that I have some incredibly awesome, super supportive friends, family, teammates, lifters, coaches, co-workers.  They suffer with my highs and lows.  They don't judge when I grunt and growl when lifting.  Or when I scream and cry and have a hissy fit cause I'm having a rough lifting session.  They are hands-down just phenomenal people.

I've been waging an internal battle with how well I think I can perform at the American Open in a couple of weeks.  It's been some great training and some shit training over the past year.  That being said some friends have offered some well-timed and much needed inspiration.

"You worked too hard to just lose before the meet even starts.  It might not have all been perfect but you lift because you love it and you know you can hit 180.  You will do that if the 9 inches between your ears believes it.  You have the strength physically for sure."

"Google 'Donny Shankle: The Iron.'  Careful, you may become mega inspired."  So I googled it.... Donny Shankle: The Iron  and was beyond floored.  It sums up everything I've ever really felt, especially this past year. 

So to my friends, family, teammates, lifters, coaches, co-workers, and anyone else who has had an impact on my life....thank you for the inspiration. 

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