Friday, June 15, 2012

Recovery Routines

I'll be the first to admit that I'm occasionally terrible at practicing what I preach, especially when it comes to recovery routines.  When it comes to lifting I'm actually pretty strict on myself to the point where I get annoyed if I'm ready to work out and someone starts infringing on my training time even if its only 5 minutes.  (Crazy much?!) Hell I can't even remember the last time I went out of town on a break and it didn't involve at least one day of lifting.  (Obsessed much?!?!)

Despite being rather regimented in my lifting, it's the recovery routine that I start to slack off in every couple of months or so.  My general nightly routine when I get home goes a little something like this: cook dinner, eat dinner & watch TV (or Facebook haha), foam roll, stretch, ice bath, bed time.  Lately it looks more like this: sit on couch, accidentally nap, cook dinner, eat dinner, watch a healthy dose of True Blood (+/- 3 episodes), bed time.  I KNOW I KNOW!  Why am I not doing the foam roll & stretch routine while OD-ing on TV?  One simple teeny tiny word: LAZY!

That's a big shocker huh?  Beastess being lazy.  Well I am now paying the price for being lazy.  I feel sore, tight, and imbalanced.   Trying to warm-up I feel like I'm a geriatric patient after double hip replacement.  Old injuries are popping up to say hello and remind me that if I don't get my ass back into a good recovery routine those injuries could just sucker punch me in the face leaving me on the sideline. 

Tonight's hot Friday night plans include foam rolling and stretching for at least an hour.  And not just arbitrarily foam rolling my legs.  But getting deep down into those muscles I really hate rolling out cause it just hurts so damn much.  Basically the muscles that need the most work because they are neglected the most.  I know it will suck buuuuuut it's my own damn fault.  Time to deal with the repercussions of being lazy.

When all is said and done, I know I'll feel better.  My body will be less sore and tight.  My warm-ups and lifts won't feel like I belong in a nursing home.  And to top it all off I'll probably feel a lot less stressed (gotta relieve that tension ya know?) and put myself into a better mood.  It will be a good reminder of why I should really strive to keep up with my recovery routine. 

So today's Public Service Announcement: Recovery routines are just as important as your training routine.  It really boils down to a good training routine should already be partnered up with a good recovery routine.  So go get yourself one.  Otherwise you're just selling yourself short on optimal performance.

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