Thursday, April 12, 2012

The People Around You

Weightlifting is an individual sport.  It's you vs the weight on the bar.  You alone are responsible for the outcome, good or bad.  That being said, however, the people around you can affect your training.  There are people who affect your training positively, negatively, and those who probably have almost no bearing on your training.  You will absorb bits and pieces of the atmosphere those around you create.  It's your life atmosphere and you will soak it up through osmosis whether you like it or not.

The negative people, those Debbie Downers and Negative Nancies, will rob you of your mojo.  They might not take it during your workout but if you're around those people on a frequent basis outside of training eventually their poor attitude will sap you of your great attitude.  Like I said, osmosis.  Then there are those people that rob you of your confidence, make you feel bad about yourself, and by extension your training may suffer.  They can suck out the general confidence you have in yourself and you can damn well bet that translates to the confidence in your abilities on the platform.  You may not realize some of these people are in your life (they're really good at sneaking into people's lives) or that they can affect your training so much even if they have nothing to do with it.

The positive people, the polar opposite of Debbie Downers.  These people have an uncanny ability to instill a confidence in you that you never knew existed.  They inspire you to reach further than you've ever reached before.  Not only do they expect you to reach further, they hold you to the task of getting those high reaching goals.  They motivate you to do work even on the days where it would be easy to hang up your hat and call it a day.  At the end of the day these are the kind of people that make you feel good about yourself and good about what you're doing in life.  Surrounding yourself with these type of people will boost your training, make you reach for that last rep, motivate you to push it to the max and then tell you to add 5k more.  And you'll do it because you know you can and because someone is behind you telling you that they believe you can. 

Training for an individual sport isn't always easy.  It takes dedication above and beyond weekend warrior status.  You're going to train when everyone else is going to take a nap.  You're going to bed early when everyone else is going to the bars because you have to train in the morning .  You're getting recovery in because you know if you don't, the next day you'll feel like a train wreck.  Pushing yourself to the next level and then setting that bar even higher is tough on your own some times.  Surround yourself with people that have a positive impact on your training and it'll be that much easier to Go Beastess!

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